Put a lemon with salt on a plate, and then place in center of room. This hack will change your life

Lemon has a relaxing and mood-enhancing scent, which may help reduce stress. A calmer environment may be the result of less stress and worry.
Some people think that by adding salt to a space, negative energy and ions may be drawn out, creating a more pleasant and airy atmosphere. Those who have been experiencing tension or stress may find this particularly helpful.
Your ability to concentrate and get things done will be much improved in a clean and pleasant setting. Staying motivated and focused could be simpler when your environment is nice and uncluttered.
In summary
You would be surprised at the great effect that a simple natural remedy, such as slicing a lemon into four pieces and adding salt, may have on your life. Boost your health, lower your stress levels, eliminate bad energy, and improve the air quality with this simple approach. Try it out for yourself and see how this age-old method can revitalize your home and, by extension, your life. Keep in mind that sometimes the smallest changes may have the biggest impact.